The taste bottles are used for the sensory game of flavours. The game consists of a wooden tray containing 4 glass bottles with droppers. The bottles can be filled, in pairs, with liquids containing the 4 main flavours: bitter, salty, sour and sweet, to have fun recognising and matching tastes. The activity refines sensory perception of taste: recognising different tastes and naming them is a useful key to exploring the environment, contributes to language development and encourages the ability to control and maintain attention. The exercise can be carried out later using a blindfold.
Sensory material: made up of a set of objects "grouped according to a certain physical quality" - weight, temperature, size, shape, colour, sound, etc. - which are then perceived by each sense. - Refining the perception of each sense encourages exploration and knowledge. AGE: from approximately 27 months. The tray is made of wood and contains 6 glass bottles with droppers. The senses, "windows on the world", accompany development. The taste bottles are useful for recognising flavours and refining the sense of taste.