I am a social entrepreneur and a project manager whose projects and events involve social innovation and human rights: I create connections between ideas and people. After studying Law at the Università Cattolica in Milan and specializing in International Humanitarian Law, I began working in social communication with the association “GOOD DESIGN” for many important NGOs: Amnesty International, Greenpeace, Emergency, Wwf, Libera, Action Aid, and Reporter sans Frontières.
I am the co-founder of international social communications projects such as “Good50x70”, and the first edition of “poster4tomorrow” dedicated to freedom of expression. I am also co-founder of the association “Diffondere Idee di Valore” through which I organize Tedxlecce (now in its 5th edition) and the festival “Conversazioni sul Futuro”.
I have led the project Lecce Social Innovation City, a program that promotes social innovation in the region, with particular attention given to culture and tourism. In the last few years I have mostly been involved in digital culture innovation and social innovation.